Soytaş Grinding and Screening Machine

Soytaş Grinding and Screening Machine

Soytaş Grinding and Screening Machine


What can be done with Soytaş Grinding and Screening Machine
From tomatoes; tomato paste, tomato juice, Dip sause
From Paprika for Paste; Paprika Paste, Paprika Sauce, Dip Sauce
From grapes; Grape molasses, grape juice, fermented grape juice
Pomegranate syrup, Marmalade, Rosehip, Pomegranate Melon Watermelon; You can grind and screen Peach, Apricot, Plum, provided that the seeds are removed.
It puts an end to the trouble of making tomato paste and molasses, makes your work quick and easy.
Dimensions: 34cm x 55 cm x 54 cm (box dimensions)
Weight: 17 kg.
Usage details for Paprika Paste:  They should be boiled in hot water first and then stem is removed and thrown into the machine.
Usage detail for rosehip:   After cleaning the stems and ends firstly, boil them in hot water and throw them into the machine. Screen the water coming out of the machine through cheesecloth.
Usage details for grapes:  Throw them into the machine by removing the stems and screen the water that comes out through cheesecloth.
Usage detail for pomegranate:  Gradually throw the pomegranate seeds separated from their peel. Because the pomegranate seeds are soft, sediment may occur, so screen them through cheesecloth.
Machinery is not industrial type. It is produced for users such as home, garden, restaurant, cafe, hotel, holiday villages etc.!